Kids can only dream as big as they’ve seen

We know when we invest in our youth, they invest in Nebraska.




Our Programs Help Youth Dream Bigger


Our award-winning youth space, The Bay, is open late — including on weekends — and accessible to all youth, 19 and under, regardless of means, ability, identity or interest. It’s home to otherwise misfits.


We believe in learning by doing, so we don’t do sit-and-get lessons. Our instructors and mentors get kids moving, thinking, communicating and creating.


Young people identify with and feel represented by our programming — it’s uniquely compelling, because it speaks their language, and to their specific interests.


“Omaha Public Schools is excited to partner with Rabble Mill because they’ve proven the ability to excite and practically engage the students who are toughest to reach as they help ready these individuals for college and careers.”

Cheryl Logan

Superintendent, Omaha Public Schools

“I was working out of town last week, and he was sure to call me every day to tell me about camp. ‘Mom, thanks for signing me up for this. This is the best thing ever. I am getting so good! I feel more confident.’ I could feel the hug of thanks through the phone every time. … The environment and atmosphere [and] watching the staff interact with kids put all my parent worries away. I knew he was safe, cared for, and would be encouraged.”

Parent of Skate Camp Participant

“Our partnership with Rabble Mill was amazing. We are like a family. … Rabble Mill gives youth experiences they will use and remember for a lifetime. All the youth feel like they belong during program time with Rabble Mill.”

Equasha Smith

Site Director, Lothrop Elementary School CLC

Youth We Serve

Different K-12 students through after-school clubs in Omaha and Lincoln in 2022

82% qualify for free/reduced lunch

76% identify as a racial or ethnic minority

59% met a new friend

98% would consider recommending our clubs to a friend

Junior and senior high schoolers applied for 100 spots at Bay High

45% representing a racial or ethnic minority

51% qualify for free/reduced lunch

High school students registered for our workforce development clubs

Our Programs


Through peer support and mentorship — and with tablets, cameras, mics and skateboards — our clubs, camps and events make a party out of experiential STEAM and physical education.


A Lincoln Public Schools Focus Program, Bay High offers creative, entrepreneurial-minded students the future-forward tools, experiences and relationships necessary to become in-demand creators.

Workforce Development


Our college- and career-readiness program creates upward mobility for high school students by preparing them for the jobs of tomorrow — and to be the leaders our communities need.

Our Youth Journey




Start Getting Excited About Nebraska’s Future

We know you want to live and work in a Nebraska where you’re excited about the future for all kids. But to do it, you need community partners who think long-term, and dream differently, to solve some of our greatest problems — from youth delinquency, incarceration and dropping out, to businesses starved for talent.

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At Rabble Mill, we believe creating upward mobility for underserved Nebraska youth is the most strategic solve to our state’s talent issues — “brain drain” is irrelevant when we become the state that best reaches, and develops, the uniquely talented kids who are currently being missed.

Unfortunately, many youth programs aren’t designed for today’s youth.

For the last 12 years, we’ve worked with thousands of youth, partnered with dozens of incredible organizations, have been honored with notable awards, and earned support from some of Nebraska’s top foundations and businesses. So we understand these issues.

Here’s how we’re solving them.

  • Our programming space, The Bay, is open when others aren’t — including on nights and weekends, giving kids something better to do than get into trouble.
  • Young people identify with and feel represented by our programming — it’s uniquely compelling, because it speaks their language, and to their specific interests.
  • Our culturally relevant programs and talent-building education help young people connect the dots between their organic interests and the jobs of tomorrow.
  • Our trained mentors guide youth along their journey, introducing them to experiences, individuals and businesses that create significant moments of impact.

We picture the elementary or middle school students in our after-school clubs walking to the podium as proud Bay High graduates, stepping into your office to gain real-life experience through our college- and career-readiness program, and eventually, leading in your boardrooms and in Nebraska’s legislature.

They’ll stay in Nebraska because Nebraska invested in them.

Help us build this future by investing in this strategy. And learn more: Check out our 2022 Annual Report, watch some of our videos, or schedule a meeting with our leadership team.

Get excited.

As Supported By

  • Aaron Shaddy
  • Abel Foundation
  • Acklie Charitable Foundation
  • ALLO/Nelnet
  • Annette and Paul Smith
  • Anonymous
  • Bonnie Blackman
  • Brad and Jill Moline
  • Chuck and Liz Mooty
  • City of Lincoln
  • CompanyCam
  • Cooper Foundation
  • Craig and Heather Meier
  • Dianne and John Scott Fund
  • Douglas County Visitors Improvement Fund
  • Duncan Family Trust
  • Econic
  • Edward and Sally Malashock Family Foundation
  • Gilbert C. Swanson Foundation
  • Heistand Family Foundation
  • Hormel Harris Foundation
  • John and Catherine Angle Charitable Trust
  • John W. Mooty Foundation
  • Lancaster County Juvenile Justice Prevention Funds
  • Lozier Foundation
  • Luke and Katie Hansen
  • Nebraska Children and Families
  • Nebraska Crime Commission
  • Nebraska Department of Economic Development
  • Peter Kiewit Foundation
  • Rhonda Seacrest
  • Rogers Foundation
  • SDC Capital Partners
  • Sherwood Foundation
  • Susanne Shore and J. Peter Ricketts
  • Tom and Mary Jetton Charitable Fund
  • Union Bank and Trust
  • William and Ruth Scott Family Foundation
  • WRK Family Foundation